Thursday, August 2, 2018

Here we go again!

 Chase didn't want to wait 10 days for the doctor at Primary's.  He chose to go with Dr. H again.  We trust Dr. H's expertise.  Chase is worried about being on crutches when school starts so he wanted to just go ahead and get the surgery done.  Dr. H said "that surgery couldn't have gone better." They used the patellar tendon and attached it using screws at both ends.  He said that the meniscus looked better than he thought it would based on the MRI.  He was very pleased because he was able to put a couple of stitches in the meniscus to repair it.  He said that this recovery is going to be more painful.  The incision along his knee had to be bigger because they used the patellar tendon.  His knee will be really stiff but Chase.  Dr. H said "Chase will be slow getting out of the gate but will eventually catch up."  Chase knows what hard work is going to have to go into rehab.  He's willing to put the time in and get stronger.  He's determined to get back to sports.

 Chase couldn't shower for the first 48 hours.  When I took the dressing off and helped him get into the shower, he almost passed out on me.  He joked that he doesn't have a future in the medical field.  Chase slept on the front room couch the first week.  He kept his leg elevated and the ice pack on his leg most of the time, except for when he would get up and go to the bathroom.  His knee incision is almost twice as long as last time because of the patellar graft.  Because of the patellar graft and the meniscus repair, he's been in a lot more pain this time.  But Chase has been amazing!  If he stays on top of his pain meds, he does really well.  He rarely complains so when he does, I know that he's really hurting.  We followed up with Dr H one week after the surgery.  He felt like everything looks really good.  Chase had to use crutches for the first couple of weeks to keep off of his leg, mainly for the meniscus.  Then he had to stay in his brace with a straight leg for the new few weeks.
Chase has had a hard time sleeping.  He'll take a nap for about 10 minutes and then wake up and won't be able to go back to sleep even though he's tired.  On Sunday, he finally crashed and took a really good nap.  Chase didn't think it was possible, but he got a little sick of playing fornite and other video games.

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