Monday, August 27, 2018

Back to School

I can't believe how fast this summer has gone.  It's already time for school to start.  I "made" the boys orange rolls for breakfast.  Chase is going into 10th grade.  He'll be a sophomore at BR high school.  Bridger is in 6th grade at the intermediate school.  He's really excited to be out of elementary and switch classes.  They ride the same bus to school which is so nice!!  They catch the bus at 7:00 and then come home around 3:15.  It makes it so Chase is really early to school in the morning and then Bridger is on the bus for about 40 minutes after school.  I threatened Chase that he needed to be nice to Bridger.  Chase is a little nervous about going back to school with his knee brace on but at least he's not on crutches anymore.

I love this picture of Chase and Bridger.  They look so handsome in their school clothes.

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