Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day

Bridger said that he wanted to make a "basketball" valentines box.  Luckily the internet gave me some great ideas.  We came up with this awesome box.  Bridger received this basketball hoop as a bingo gift at Christmas time.  It was perfect for his box.  We almost had a tragedy because Sophie got the ball and chewed it up a little.  So I super glued it back together to salvage the ball.

For a Valentine's gift, we gave Chase and Bridger minky blankets and Tanner got a "paw patrol" blanket.  The boys were very happy with their gifts!!!  

The next day, Tanner helped me make Valentine sugar cookies for my Laurels.  Tanner loved playing in the flour.  He had flour everywhere!  I remembered why I haven't made sugar cookies in years...they take forever!  My laurels came over that night and we frosted them and then took them around to some families in our ward.

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