Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Flooding All Around Us

This is a view out of our back windows looking at the field that is east of our house.  We've had a lot of rain and then the temperature warmed up to the 60's.  The snow melted really fast and we had lots of flooding as a result.  Luckily our basement was able to stay dry through all of this but we had lots of neighbors that had flooding.

It seemed like all the fields turned into lakes.  The city brought big pumps in so try to help clear some of the streets because water was flooding the streets.

This is the old Lazy Boy warehouse.  It had at least a 2-4 foot lake in it's parking lot.  It was crazy to see.  People have been so helpful to fill sandbags for the community.  Chase's basketball team for one of their activities filled sandbags.  It was a great service project for them.

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