After a very long pregnancy, Shan and Robby welcomed little Hazel into the world. She was born August 17, weighing 7 lbs, 11oz and 19 inches long. She was born on Shan's scheduled c-section date. We were all hoping that she would come earlier but she just wasn't ready. Hazel actually didn't have a name for the first week but they finally settled on Hazel and it's perfect for her! She's a beautiful baby with LOTS of black hair!! We're so excited she's finally here and is healthy!
This is a picture of Hazel coming home from the hospital. We weren't able to see Shan while she was in the hospital but Chase had a football game in Layton on Saturday so we went down after the game and met our new niece/cousin. I was worried about stopping by on Saturday because that's the day Shan and Hazel came home from the hospital, but Shan and Robby were so sweet about us dropping by.
Shan's family with their new addition.
Little Hazel is so tiny and sweet! Chase was the first one to hold her. He was so excited to hold her. We're all so happy to finally have her here! Tanner kept saying "baby! baby!" We had a wonderful evening with the C's. they were so sweet about us hanging out with them even though they were probably exhausted. We ordered pizza and ate dinner with them. Around 9:00 we finally left. It was just like old times.
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