Friday, August 5, 2016

Tired Tanner!

I was fussing around the house and then I realized that it was really quiet.  So I started looking for Tanner.  He was asleep on the floor in the front room.  Then a few days later I found him on the floor again but this time he had put his blanket over him.  I think he plays and plays and then finally crashes.  I stopped by the bank to cash some checks.  They bank lady gave Tanner a sucker.  He fell asleep before he could eat his sucker.  There are times when I put Tanner in the car and he literally falls asleep within one minute.  Luckily he's a good sleeper.  

Tanner loves to snuggle with his daddy.  He'll say "snuggle daddy."  Most of the time when we snuggle with Tanner, we end up falling asleep with him. But I had to take this picture because it's so sweet of Tanner snuggling with his daddy.

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