Thursday, May 19, 2016

Chase's Spring Soccer Season

Chase played spring soccer with the Blaze soccer team.  It's the same team that he played with in the fall but they added a few football players.  Chase's friend from the ward Porter played on the team which made it really fun for Chase and nice for me to have someone to carpool with.  

Chase played midfield for most of the season.  A few times he was able to play striker.  He scored a few goals during the season.  He's decided that he wants to play football in the fall so we're taking a little break from soccer for awhile.  I'm going to miss watching Chase play soccer.  He's a great soccer player!

Chase has really enjoyed the boys on the team.  It's a mix of 7th and 8th graders so the 8th graders are moving on to the high school JV soccer team.  That means we're losing half of our team which will really change the dynamics of the team.  Coach Gene coached last fall fall but was unable to coach this spring.  The other coaches did a good job but Chase really missed Coach Gene (Cael's dad).
Back row:  Coach Shaw, Scottie, Chase, Josh Adams, Enoch, Andre, Keyjun, Tucker, Hunter, Daniel, Derek, and Josh Shaw.  Front row:  Tanner, Coach Williams, Porter, Cael, Colt, and Nick.  
The BLAZE Soccer Team

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