Thursday, May 12, 2016

Chase and Bridger's Piano Recital

Chase and Bridger had their first recital with their new piano teacher up in T.  We found out last fall that our next door neighbor that moved in during the summer is a fantastic piano teacher.  Luckily she  had room in her schedule to teach the boys.  It's so nice to have the boys run over to her house on Wednesdays for lessons.  Abby is so patient and encouraging with the boys.  She's so sweet with them.  She picked up right where they left off in their books.  (It was nice that we didn't have to switch books)

Bridger played three songs:  The Milky Way (which was my favorite), My Heavenly Father Loves Me, and Star Wars.  He was amazing!  He's worked so hard on his songs and memorized all three of them.  Bridger had an amazing touch when he played "The Milky Way."  He played that song with such feeling and softness.  His dynamics were amazing.  He has to cross over his left hand and play it in the treble clef.  He played it with such smoothness.  Every time he would practice the song I would say "I love that song!"  

Chase also played three songs:  The Imperial March, In the Hall of the Mountain King (by Grieg) and Teach me to Walk in the Light.  Chase has been so dedicated because I found an arrangement of Teach Me to Walk that I wanted him to do but it was a more challenging piece for Chase.  Each week he worked on it a little bit at a time.  He never gave up!  I was so proud of him.  It's probably the hardest piece he's ever worked on.  His Imperial March had such power to it.  Abby loves how the boys play with power and force.  My favorite song Chase played was the Mountain King song.  His fingers danced on the keys when he played that song like little trolls.  I love to hear the boys practicing their piano.  They're a joy to listen to.

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