Thursday, May 7, 2015

Professional Pictures of the Boys (Tanner 1 Year Old)

I took the boys to our same photo studio for Tanner's one year old pictures and updates on Chase and Bridger.  The photos turned out awesome!  What treasures!!!
Luckily someone had brought in a "one" year old banner so we put Tanner on a box and got some cute photos with the banner in the back.  Tanner was a rock star for his photo shoot.  We got lots of smiles!!! I can't believe how grownup Chase and Bridger look.

When we did Tanner's 9 month pictures, the photographer suggested that when we come back for the one year old pictures that we do a "smash cake".  I had never heard of that so she showed me some pictures to give me some ideas.  I met a cute young lady in our ward that actually makes wedding cakes.  So I talked to her and she said she makes smash cakes all the time.  So she made this cake which turned out great.  Tanner didn't really get that messy but it was still fun.  All he wanted to do was play with the number one candle.  So I had to take it off and hide it so we could get some pictures.  

This picture ended up being my favorite.  All the boys look so cute with their smiles.

I always get a picture of Tanner and me because I rarely get a picture of just the two of us.  

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