Friday, May 1, 2015

Chase's First Time at the Temple

For years and then months, we've been counting down until Chase can go to the temple.  When Chase went in for his 12 year old interview with the Bishop, Chase got his temple recommend.  Matt was working up in T but said he was ok with us going without him.  Mom and Dad came down to help me pack so we took a little break and pulled Chase out of school and went to the T temple to do baptisms for the dead.  It was such a special experience!  Dad did all the confirmations with Chase and that was really neat because they were German names.  Then sweet dad did the baptisms.  Mom and I changed into white so we could listen to the confirmations and be in the baptism room.  I'm so proud of Chase that he has a desire to come to the temple and for the great choices he's making so he can come to the temple.  I love him so much!

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