Friday, July 25, 2014

Warped Wall!

So while Angie was here, the boys really wanted to go to a jumping/foam place.  We we went to L's.  The boys were really excited because L's has created a new "ninja" obstacle course with a warped wall just like the show American Ninja.  The boys played a little bit on the trampolines and in the foam pits but the majority of the time was spent on the obstacle course.  I love this picture of them in the foam pit.  They are such good friends.  I love how well they play together.

The boys were determined to conquer the warped wall.  They had two walls: one was 10 feet and the other one was 6 feet.  Chase tried the shorter wall and conquered it within a few tries.  He was very proud of himself.  Bridger tried for over an hour to "beat the wall."  Finally after an hour he did it!!!  It was such an awesome moment!!  There were a couple of teenagers that were cheering him on too and it was so sweet to see the people cheer Bridger on.  He is such a determined little guy!  Angie and I both teared up when he finally climbed the wall.

One of the obstacles on the ninja course.  

The boys loved having Angie there to watch them.  It was such a fun afternoon.  Look at their red cheeks.  It shows how hard they were working.
Angie captured this picture of Tanner with a big smile on his face.  He's just happy to see his Aunt Angie.

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