Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Biking the Canyon

I've been working really hard at getting back into shape after having Tanner.  Most of the time, I just go down to the basement and get a quick workout in when Tanner takes a nap or he'll sit in his bouncer chair and watch me.  My favorite workout is to go for a bike ride.  Chase and Bridger will babysit Tanner while he sleeps and I'll go for a bike ride.  One morning Michelle and I bike AF canyon up to T. lake.  I was a lot slower than I normally was but it's been over a year since I've biked the canyon.  Michelle was so sweet to wait for me.  I was so happy to reach the lake and enjoy the beautiful view.  I wanted to capture the moment and celebrate my victory.  It's so rewarding to feel my body getting stronger!  I'm so grateful for what I can do!

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