Friday, June 14, 2013

Chase's New Long Board

 Chase came to me a few weeks ago and said that he wanted to get a long board.  He tried his cousins and really like it.  Plus a lot of the kids in the neighborhood have them.  We went to a shop and looked at some.  But we found the best price on Amazon so we ordered it through them.  He had to wait a week for it to come but it was worth the wait.  Every day we would wait  to the UPS truck to come.  It seemed like the longest week ever.  I was surprised by how much long boards are.  But Chase has done a really good job of saving his money so he bought it.  He's had a lot of fun learning how to ride a long board.  He looks so big when he rides it.  I feel like I'm looking at a teenager.  I know I'm going to blink and he will be a teenager.

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