Saturday, June 8, 2013

Chase is doing what????? RUGBY!!!

 Raeder recruited Chase to be on his rugby team.  I had no idea what we were signing up for so we have learned a lot about rugby.  Luckily the season is June and July.  He practices a couple of times during the week with two games on Saturdays.  He's quickly learning the fundamentals of rugby.  He's really enjoyed playing with Raeder.  There's a couple of other boys on the team that will be on his new soccer team so it's been great to have him get to know them better.  TJ and Erin seem really nice.  The only thing that Chase had to get in order to play was a mouth guard.  That's what the blue thing in his mouth is.  His coach has been great.  It's a really fun atmosphere (no pressure).  The games last about 30 minutes.  He's scored a few tries (goals).  It's been very exciting! After his first game, we went to Crown Burger to celebrate.  Chase has discovered bacon cheese burgers and he loves them.  He used to share one with me but now he eats the whole thing!!  I can't believe he's eating a hamburger.  Maybe one day Bridger will eat one too.  

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