Thursday, February 6, 2020

MORP for Chase
Chase was asked to go to MORP with Caitlyn.  She’s also a junior but he didn't know her really well. But she’s a darling girl. It was a smaller group, only three couples. Luckily Chase knew one of the guys in the group. They tried to go on their day date on Tuesday night but they got in a car accident in Garland. A car turned in front of them and they T boned her. Luckily everyone had their seat belts on and no one was hurt. On Saturday, Caitlyn picked Chase up at 3:00.  She was wearing a cute green dress with a cream sweater. I loved her tennis shoes she was wearing with her dress. She has beautiful hair! She picked out a tie for Chase to wear so it would match her dress. They went and took pictures first. Then they went to Firehouse Pizzeria in Logan. They hung out in Logan and wasted a little bit of time before the dance started. Then they went to the dance. Chase ended up having a really fun time. I’m so glad that he’s making some fun high school memories.

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