Saturday, January 30, 2016

Brider's Winter Picture

Bridger made this beautiful picture at school.  He colored it with crayons and then painted over it with water colors.  His picture was featured in a school art program where they highlighted the top three students in each class and Bridger was one of the three from his class.  He did a great job on this picture.  

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Tanner Likes Zingers!

So Dad introduced Tanner to Zingers and he loves them (just like Grandpa)!!!  So every time he's at their house, he looks for zingers.  Mom and Dad sent some home for him to eat.  He was eating one, and was happy as can be so I sent these pictures to mom and dad to tell them thanks for turning my kid into a sugar junkie.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Tanner 20 Months Old

I was talking on the phone with Jen and when I got off, Tanner was asleep in the bean bag chair.  How sweet!  I love it when he's recharging!  He looks so peaceful!  Tanner is 20 months old and I can't figure out where the time has gone.  He loves going to nursery.  Except that he's the bully and doesn't like to share the toys.  Then during snack time and story time he doesn't like to sit down, he wants to run around the room.  He likes to watch Disney Jr.  He'll bring me the tv remote and say "TV."  He tries to say "Mickey Mouse."  He loves Mickey Mouse!  He loves to play ball with Sophie.  He's learned how to use the ball thrower.  It's been hard with winter because he can't go outside and play for very long because it's so cold.  Tanner loves his older brothers!!!  He's very board with me during the day but as soon as his brothers come home, he lights right up and wants to play with them. He loves to play basketball down in Chase's room with them.  It's fun to watch because he's learning how to make a basket.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Ginger Bread House Fun

We were a little late getting our gingerbread house decorated but the boys finally put it together before they went back to school.  They decorated it all by themselves!  Tanner loved helping!  He was eating the candy faster than they could put it on the house.  Then at the end, they had some frosting left over so they ate it and taught Tanner how to eat it.  How gross!!

The gingerbread house looks great!  Super design skills!