Saturday, March 22, 2014

Chase Basketball

Chase was invited to play on a competitive basketball team this winter.  Coach Cloward was great with the boys and Chase really improved!  They had so much fun that they continued to play in the spring season.  Luckily the spring season was shorter and it overlapped soccer by just a couple of weeks.  There were some neighborhood boys that weren't on the competitive team but were on the Rec team so Chase decided to play Rec basketball too.  It made our schedule very busy but he loved it.  His Rec coach was great too!  The team had several boys from our neighborhood and then boys from school.  Easton was on both teams with Chase so that helped with carpooling luckily!  Chase is constantly asking to go over to the church to practice basketball.  One day we'll have our own basketball hoop.

Grandma and Grandpa A came to one of Chase's most exciting games.  They were behind the whole game and then the last two minutes their team pulled ahead and won the game.  The boys were so excited!  It was like they had won the championship game.  It was awesome!!!!

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