Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Years Eve!

 We carried on our New Year's Eve tradition and ate Chinese food for dinner.  I wasn't feeling very well so I just had the egg drop soup.  Shantelle is quite the party animal so they came over after dinner and played Just Dance with us. The boys loved playing Just Dance with her and Aliyah.  Matt, Robby and I were excellent spectators.  I think we laughed the most just watching them! It was a rough night for me so I just laid on the floor and dozed off and on.  Around 11:50 I perked up a little and got the "bubbly" ready.  Shantelle brought hats for everyone and some noise makers.  The kids loved yelling on the front porch at midnight.  Aliyah even stayed up till midnight!  Happy New Years!

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