Saturday, January 26, 2013

There's a first for everything....Monster Truck Show!

 A couple of years ago, a commercial came on for a monster truck show and Marilyn spoke up and said "I know this sounds crazy, but I would love to go to one of those. That's on my bucket list."  At first, I thought she was joking but then I realized that she was serious.  So I received an email for really cheap seats to a monster truck show.  I asked Matt and the boys if they would want to go to it and they said yes.  So I called Marilyn and asked her if she had plans and would want to come to a monster truck show.  She was really excited!  We invited Mom and Dad to come along too.  

What an experience we had!!!!  We had great seats with a perfect view of the stage.  We knew we might be in trouble when we saw people with ear plugs.  When the monster trucks started up, we immediately had to cover our ears.  It was SO loud!!!!  But it was really fun to see the trucks go through the obstacle course.  They had a few motorcycles that did fancy jumps throughtout the show.  They did crazy things on their bikes! Dad bought us some treats during halftime.  At the end, the monster truck "toxic" went off the biggest jump for the finale.  The crowd went wild.  It was incredible!  We had such a fun afternoon.  I had more fun watching everyone's expressions.  Marilyn just giggled and giggled!  She said she was very happy to cross that one off the bucket list!  

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