Saturday, March 26, 2011

Chase's 8th Friend Birthday Party

 Chase desperately wanted to have a birthday party. Chase chose to have a friend party at Chuck E Cheese. Chase invited 9 of his closest friends plus his best friend/brother Bridger. They were a fun bunch of boys. The birthday boy got to go into the ticket blaster for 1 minute. Matt coached him how to get a lot of tickets and it worked cause he got over 500 tickets. He was able to get a lot of prizes at the end. Chase and Bridger are best friends. With all of their tickets they were each able to get a ball, and then Chase was able to get a Chuck E Cheese stuffed animal and some candy. They were both excited about their prizes. I asked Shantelle if she would come and help at the party. So Robby and Aliyah came too. It was so much fun having them there. Shantelle was a huge help! I think Chase had a great birthday party.

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