Sunday, February 14, 2021

Happy Valentine's Day

 Valentine's was celebrated on Friday in school because it falls on a Sunday.  Tanner loves his Viking's jersey that he got for Christmas.  So for his Valentine's Day box, he wanted to do a Vikings Stadium theme.  He painted his box purple and then we printed off a picture of the stadium floor.  Tanner painted some tongue depressors and we turned them into goal posts.  He was very happy with how his box turned out.  

Bridger dressed up for school today because they were having a Valentine's dance.  Then Chase was dressed up also because the basketball team had a home basketball game.  They looked so handsome all dressed up.  

The boys got a little something for Valentine's Day.  Mom was always so sweet to make sure we opened a little gift on Valentine's Day.  Bridger and Chase got long sleeve t-shirts.  Tanner got a classic lego set.  Matt bought me some beautiful flowers.  They were pink roses.  The boys and Matt gave me sweet cards.  I gave Matt a box of Ding Dongs and some macadamia chocolate truffles.  

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