Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Chase made the Basketball Team!!!

Chase cut his hair really short because the basketball coach wants it above their ears.  So in order to look serious about making the team, he got his hair cut.  He looks really sharp!  Nov 4, 2020 

Winter sports were a little delayed because of COVID.  But the state finally announced that they'll allow high school winter sports.  Coach Shaw organized tryouts right before Thanksgiving.  Chase has been working so hard since the previous season ended to try to make the team again. He knows that Coach only wants to keep 5 seniors and there were 10 juniors last year.  Chase has spent hours in the sports court and with his personal coach, Jeff.  He drives over to Logan once a week to work with Jeff for an hour.  We joke that Jeff is the basketball whisperer.  Chase has been attending the open gyms 3 times a week.  Chase has improved so much since last year!!!  The Wegers sent a little good luck package to him.  Our families have been praying with us for Chase to make the team.  At the end of tryouts, Coach called Chase in and said that he only wanted to keep 5 seniors but he couldn't cut Chase.  He said that he's improved so much and deserves a spot on the team!!!!  We're so proud of the hard work Chase has done to accomplish this goal.  Chase is ecstatic that he made the team!  

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