Friday, September 11, 2020


 Everyone met at Mom and Dad's and we started the process.  Dad bought 5 boxes of peaches!! But with our factory, we were done with the peaches around 3:00.  We did 88 quarts of peaches!  Mom, Marilyn and I started on the peach jam. The jam ended up being really runny because Mom realized the next day that she forgot to drain the water from the peaches before she started to mash them up.  But the flavor is still really good.  We just doubled the batch and got 30 jars of mixed sizes.  

I love the picture of Mom and Marilyn mashing up the peaches.  Mom's back was killing her but she was so sweet to still help in whatever capacity she can.  I loved spending the day with my sisters, Mom, Mares and Dad.  Dad stayed out manning the processing station.  

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