Monday, March 9, 2020

No training wheels!

I tried all last summer to get Tanner to ride his bike without training wheels.  When I took them off, he cried the whole time so I put them back on.  So this spring I was shocked when Tanner asked me to take off his training wheels.  I took them off and went in to wash my hands.  When I came back out, Tanner was out in the driveway riding his bike!!! I was so surprised!  He had the biggest smile on his face and was giggling.  So we went and rode up and down the street.  He was so excited to show his older brothers but they weren't home so he asked if he could show Jen.  I thought that was so cute that he wanted to show her.  Unfortunately she wasn't home either.  So Tanner showed off to her chickens.

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