Saturday, December 14, 2019

Matt’s Work Party
One of the games we played during Matt's work party was a gift exchange.  Matt ended up with the Christmas Vacation package.  Tanisha was the creative one that came up with this cute idea.

I've known since we moved up here that eventually we would need to host Matt's work Christmas party.  We were supposed to host last year but our house flooded (that was the only good thing about the flood).  Luckily mom had her ward party a couple of weeks before our party so I used all of her decorations.  We had about 35-40 people show up.  People were really good about helping with food. I cooked a couple of hams.  I was visiting with our sweet Relief Society President, Connie G about the party.  She gave me a great glaze recipe for the ham.  I put out some Rhodes Rolls.  It turned out delicious!  People brought green salads, fruit salads, fruit, cheesy potatoes and drinks.  For dessert, I did Costco cheesecake with a chocolate sauce and a berries.  Everyone seemed to enjoy the food.  We had a fun time playing games.  Matt and the boys were incredible with cleaning the house before the party.  Everything turned out really well.

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