Sunday, June 16, 2019

Happy Father's Day

Matt had an early church meeting but I offered to fix him breakfast before. He laughed and said “are you kidding?” He’s not a breakfast fan. After church, Matt opened his presents. Bridger gave him a couple of nice light weight shirts.  Tanner and Chase gave him some pickle ball rackets. I gave him a pickle ball net. Pickle ball is really bigup here so I thought it would be fun to play in the sports court. (I hope we use it). After our nap time, we headed down to the A’s and had a nice dinner at Mike and Amy’s. Mike barbecued some chicken. It was so nice to sit around and visit with everyone.

I’m grateful for Matt and what a wonderful dad he is to our boys. He laughs with them and teaches them how to work hard. He’s a worthy priesthood holder who loves the Lord. They’re so lucky he’s their dad! We love him so much!

Before we left, I wanted to take a selfie with Dad. I’m so grateful for what an honorable Dad he is. He puts his family first and loves them with all of his heart. He is constantly serving others. I’m grateful he’s my dad! 

At first Mom said that we’ll celebrate Father’s day up at the cabin but then I felt like Dad was getting ripped off. So we threw together a Father’s day party on Saturday. Mylissa graciously hosted.The kids loved swimming. It was nice to sit out on their patio and visit and watch the kids swim. Shantelle gave Dad these funky gardening claws.  He was funny when he opened them. He said “what are they?”  When Shantelle explained thatthey help to rake up and gather things, he got it. I gave Dad a gardening bag with tools. He said all of his tools are very old.

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