Sunday, February 3, 2019

Chase's Ordination

With the new changes that occurred in the church, Chase didn't have to wait until his 16th birthday to get ordained to the office of a Priest.  It took our bishop a little bit of time to get caught up with all of the youth.  But Chase was finally ordained!  Matt did a beautiful job on the ordination.  We invited our families to come up and be a part of the day and then watch the Super Bowl.  

It was a really special day because Nic was also ordained a priest.  Chase and Nic have become really good friends over the last few years.  I'm so glad Nic is in young mens with Chase.

We're so proud of Chase's choice to advance in the priesthood.  The first time he bless the sacrament, Matt was standing right next to him.  Chase and Matt prepared the sacrament and then Chase blessed the bread and Matt blessed the water.  It was very special to see them together.
During the ordination prayer, Dad realized that he forgot the Costco cake!  We told him not to worry about it but he left right after and drove back to their house to get the cake.  That's a lot of driving for a Costco cake.  Our families were so sweet to support Chase.  Grandma and Grandpa Adams and Mike and Amy came and then Marilyn, Grandma and Grandpa Richins, The Colborns and the Wegers came too.  We were surrounded by lots of love! 

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