Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Matt has spent hours and hours out in the yard getting it ready for sprinklers.  It has been such a huge project.  It's amazing to me that he even knows how to do this!!  (And he's willing to spend the time.)  He's saved us so much money by doing the project himself instead of hiring it.

He's bought yards and yards and yards worth of sprinkler pipe.  Ardell has spent hours with Matt helping him with the project.  Matt's enjoyed spending the time with his dad.

The boys have been so busy with their sports and physical therapy that they haven't been home very much to help Matt.  But when they do have a free minute, they're out helping Matt.  Tanner on the other hand has spent lots of time outside "helping" Matt.  His favorite thing to do is to ride on the tractor with Matt.  

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