Thursday, September 20, 2018

Salsa with Jen

Jen and I have been putting off salsa but we finally did it!  It's such a process and it makes such a mess.  Jen said we could do it at her house.  (She didn't want my white kitchen cabinets to get splattered with salsa.) We doubled the "RaJenIp Salsa" recipe (Rach, Jen, & Kip) that we came up with years ago.  After it had cooked for over an hour, we tasted it.  We couldn't figure out what it needed but it just didn't taste right.  We added a little more lime and salt and then called it good.  We did 50 pints of salsa!!!  Michael set up the camp chef so we had two processing stations outside.  Tiff brought us Golden Spike for lunch.  She's not a big fan of salsa so she didn't want any.  But it was so fun to have her stop by and spend some time with us.  It ended up being an all day thing by the time we cleaned everything up.  But at least now we're set for the winter.  Plus it was great to spend the time with Jen.

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