Friday, January 19, 2018

Bridger Bizz Town

When we were trying to decide when to go to Disneyland, Mylissa wanted us to go this week. But Bridger was adamant that he didn’t want to miss Bizz Town. I asked him “you’d rather go to Bizz Town over Disneyland? And he said “YES!” So we arranged our trip around Bizz Town (and Matt's schedule). Bridger has been so excited for Bizz Town. It’s the fifth grade field trip where they go to the children’s museum and participate in a town. Months before, the fifth graders elect a mayor and city council, and interview for jobs. Bridger applied for a RM meter reader. At the interview, his teacher asked him why he didn’t apply for a CEO or CFO position. He said that his dad did the electrical in our house and so he wanted to be involved in the electrical. That’s why he chose this job. He was very excited when he was offered the job. You can tell from the pictures, that he took his job very seriously! (I felt bad that I couldn’t go and help out but it was just too hard with Tanner. Luckily Tiff and Cami sent me some pictures.).

This is Bridger receiving his certificate "citizen of the day."
When Bridger came home, he showed me this certificate. The mayor and city council voted and chose Bridger as the “citizen of the day.” So out of all of the fifth grader boys, Bridger was chosen! I was so proud of him! He had a great experience. (It cracks me up that the kids who filled out the certificate, spelled Bridger's name wrong.  Silly kids).  

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