Saturday, November 18, 2017

New Furniture

We left a little in our budget for new furniture becasaue we finally gave away our leather couches that we’ve had for 16 years.  They were falling apart and were being held together by wood on the bottom.  After shopping’s around, I finally decided on a custom couch by Craft Master.  I had a designer at GV helped me pick out the couch fabric.  I was really sick of leather and couldn’t find a leather couch that I liked.  So I bit the bullet and did a fabric couch.  The furniture shop in town (D’s F) best the price at GV so I went with them.  When the couch was delivered, I was a little discouraged because the couch was so much bigger than I thought.  The dimensions that the couch company gave were based on measuring the pillows, not the very back of the couch.  Because it.s costum, I’m stuck with it for the next 15 years.  After a few weeks, I’ve grown to really like it.  I like the fabric and the couches is softening up.  It was really stiff at first.  We waitied 7 weeks for the couch to come.  There was a misunderstanding with the furniture company because they only ordered one.  So they put rush order on the second one and had it delivered about a month later.

I fell in love with the fabric for the chairs.  It’s a little crazy so I was worried about how it would turn out but I love it. They add some pizazz to the front room.  I wanted a comfortable recliner chair that was not a teddy bear chair.  I was so happy when I found these chairs.  I ordered them through GV.  I love the look of them plus they’re super comfy and recline.

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