Friday, September 15, 2017

Bad News for Chase

On Thursday September 7 during the last play in the first half, Chase was running down for a kick off. One of his team mates got tackled and was forced into Chase.  They hit him on the side of his right knee and he hyperextended it.  Chase dropped to the field and couldn't get up.  The rest of the team left since it was half time.  His coach ran out and told him to stay down.  The trainer came out and assessed him and then helped him off the field.  It was a horrible feeling to see Chase laying on the football field.  Chase was definitely limping and had to sit out for the rest of the game.  We talked the trainer after the game and she said "I don't think it's his ACL, he probably just hyperextended it really badly.  You should probably get it checked out just to be safe."  Matt got Chase in with Dr. B the next day.  Dr. B looked at his knee and felt like he just hyperextended it really badly.  He put Chase in a leg brace to help support his knee.  Chase said he felt like his knee was unstable and was going to pop out.  His right knee swelled up a little and he lost a lot of range of motion in the knee.  I went in to Chase's room Tuesday night to close his window.  When he rolled over, he cried out in pain.  I knew something was not right.  So I had Matt talk to Dr. B the next day and schedule an MRI.  On Friday, Chase had an MRI.  We met with Dr. B that afternoon.  When he looked at the MRI, he hung his head and just shook it.  We knew something was majorly wrong.  He said "I don't know how I missed it, but his ACL is ruptured."  Chase looked so sad!  My eyes welled up with tears and I did everything in my power not to fall apart.  Because Chase's growth plates are still opened, Dr. B referred us to Primary's and then another great orthopedic doctor in Ogden.  On the ride home, Chase said "I went from being out for 2-3 weeks to 6-9 months!"
  We met with a couple of orthopedic doctors that specialize in sports injury.  We also wanted to hear what Primary's had to say so we had to wait a couple of weeks to get into Primary's.  The Primary's doctor was wonderful but Chase would have to wait until November 13th for surgery.  We didn't want to wait another month so we decided to go with the orthopedic doctor in Ogden, Dr. H.  The plan is to have an ACL repair on October 5th.  The Primary's doctor was a little more doom and gloom (which we probably needed to hear).  He said that Chase will definitely be out for basketball and most likely soccer.  He said that soccer is very difficult on the ACL with the quick stopping and cutting which puts Chase at a higher risk for rerupturing it.  He said we need to plan on a year which made our hearts sink.  I told Chase that if he transfers his determination and hard work for sports into his rehabilitation then he'll do great.  He started doing some physical therapy to help improve his range of motion and strength in his right knee.  They said that will help him with his recovery.  We're praying that all will go well for Chase.  His coaches and team mates have been so kind and supportive.  It just makes me so sad for Chase that he's going to miss out on basketball and most likely soccer.  He had the best chance of making the basketball team this year.  We're trying to be positive and hope for the best.  At least he's not a senior.  Hopefully he has three more years to play.

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