Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!  The Easter bunny came to our house and hid some jelly beans, brought lots of candy and left a few surprises.  The older boys got a couple of shirts and an Xbox game. Tanner got a basketball hoop for the bathtub.  Tanner didn't really want to look for the jelly beans.  He just wanted to eat the candy.

I loved this post on Christ that was on instagram. Jesus lives!  The atonement is real.  We are loved by our Heavenly Father and our Savior.  I'm so grateful for that knowledge.

Tanner loved the Peeps.  He was in peep heaven because Grandpa R also gave us some peeps.  I think we ended up with 10 boxes of peeps.  Good think I don't like them otherwise I would eat them all.

The way it worked out with everyone's schedule, we ended up having Chase's ordination to become a teacher on Easter.  All of the A's came and almost everyone from my family came too.  Even Shan and Robby made the long drive up.  Bishop N normally does the ordinations in his office but we had too many people.  So he found a bigger room but we were still tight.  It was overwhelming looking around at all the people who love us and especially Chase.  We are lucky to feel such love!

After church we came back to the house and took some pictures.  I warned my family that I wanted one picture of us.  Mylissa and Ardell got some great pictures.  Chase told Grandma R that he wanted church clothes for his birthday.  So Grandma met us at the mall and shopped with us.  Chase found some new church clothes and Bridger found this awesome green shirt that he feel in love with.  So Grandma spoiled him too and bought it.  She thought that Tanner was left out so he picked out a batman shirt.  I found Tanner's outfit at Costco and I couldn't resist it.  The boys look so handsome in their new church clothes.  

The following Sunday, we had a R Easter party with everyone.  Mom fixed a "simple dinner."  She fixed Cafe Rio.  It was a lot of work for her but it was delicious!  Mom and Dad had filled a gazillion eggs.  The dads went out and hid the eggs.  Grandma put some money in some of the eggs for the older kids.  All the kids loved the egg hunt and were very happy with their candy and money.

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