Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve with the A's

We met at the A's for our Christmas celebration.  Everyone was there!!  We met around 2:00.  We ordered our traditional pizza and then played "CANDY" bingo.  There were tons of presents to choose from.

Ardell kept the tradition going as the announcer.  

Even Ella and Tanner played Candy.  Jess was taking a selfie of her, Megan and Ella.  Tanner was watching them so he wanted to take one too.  It cracks me up that he's sticking his tongue out because that's what Jess, Ella and Megan did in one of their pictures.  (I just didn't capture it).
Isaac won!!  He opened the crazy hat!!!

We decided since everyone was together that we would exchange gifts because tomorrow everyone would be going different directions.  It worked out really well doing it this way.  It took some of the craziness out of Christmas day.

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