Friday, July 8, 2016

Fun with Friends

Easton came up and spent 5 days with us.  We went to a neighborhood pool party.  The boys played on their electronic too much!  Finally I got mad at them and told them to play a game.  I came downstairs and Easton was teaching them how to play "Ticket to Ride."  Even Tanner was playing.

We went to another pool party at our friends house the Morris'.  Matt had a UNAA meeting there and families were invited too.  The boys took a basketball camp in Smithfield on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 9-12.  The Summers' boys came too which made it so fun for all the boys and it was nice to carpool.  On Tuesday after the camp, I took the boys to a jumping place for a couple of hours and they were worn out by the end of it.  They had so much fun!  Sweet Tiff invited them up for a late night on Wednesday after mutual.  The week went by so fast.  We took Easton home on Friday and stayed the day at Shan's helping her around the house.  Bridger has missed Brody so much that we invited him over to Shan's for a few hours (sweet Belina rearranged things so he could come).  Bridger was so happy to spend some time with Brody.

Unfortunately Tanner got the flu while we were at Shans.  He threw up on the way down and had a fever.  I had no idea otherwise I wouldn't have brought him.  We're hoping the Lord blesses us for all the service we do and no one will get sick.  He's been so miserable.  He just lays on the couch and snuggles with us.

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