Thursday, February 18, 2016

Tanner's a Messy Eater

Eating time with Tanner is a huge mess!!!  I feel like I need to put him in the bathtub after every meal.  He's still really picky and I can't figure him out.  Sometimes he'll eat a food and then he won't try it again.  For example, he ate a few cucumbers a couple of times but now he won't touch them.  One time he ate four mandarin oranges for Angie, but since then I can't get him to even try them.  He's so frustrating!  He lives on applesauce, yogurt/gogurts, bananas, apples but the the skin, cinnamon toast, oatmeal and chocolate milk (anything that's a treat).  That's not a lot!  He is stubborn about trying new foods.   It's a good thing he's so darn cute!!!

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