Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve was a rather boring night.  We were a little partied out from the holidays so we just stayed at home.  We watched the movie "The Blind Side"  but Chase was too tired and went to bed around 10.  Tanner fell asleep in my arms so I just soaked it up while we watched the movie.  Bridger was so determined to stay up until midnight even though he was tired.  We
At midnight, we got the bubbly out and said "cheers!"  Happy New Year!  To be honest, I was really homesick for Shan.  Normally they would celebrate New Year's Eve with us.  We've had lots of great New Year's parties playing Just Dance.  So I sent her this picture of me drinking the bubbly and I told her that I missed her.  She sent me back the ones of her and the girls.  We were both missing each other.

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