Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Turkey Trot Winner!

Matt and I came over to the school to see the "Indian Fair."  Each student was assigned an Indian Tribe and then they had to learn all about them.  They had to make what their home would have looked like.  So when we came to the fair, the first thing Bridger said was "I won a turkey!"  He kept saying that and Matt and I looked at him like he was crazy and said "ok, we'll see about that."  But then we talked to Tiff and she said that it was true!!  They do a boys and a girls race for each grade and whoever comes in first place wins a turkey from Kent's Grocery store.  Bridger won the "Turkey Trot" for the 4th grade!!!  He acted like he had won a million bucks!  He was so happy!  Just before school ended, they called all the winners down to receive their certificates.  First place won a 12 pound turkey, second place won a pumpkin pie and third place won some ice cream.

I love Bridger's big smile holding his first place "Turkey Trot" certificate!! Normally Thomas wins but Bridger barely beat him so Thomas came in second.  He was a good sport about it.

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