Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Hiking to T Cave

I have wanted to hike to Timp cave for the last several years but something always came up.  I told Matt that we couldn't move without going to the cave!!!  So we crammed it in the day before we moved.  I let Bridger and Chase bring a friend with them, so Brody and Easton came too.  It was so nice to have one last outing with their friends.  Plus it was nice to take a break from packing.  I hired a babysitter to stay with Tanner which ended up being a great idea!

Luckily we picked a time that wasn't very busy so our group was really small during the cave tour.  The kids did a great job hiking up to the cave.  It was a beautiful view overlooking the valley.  I'm so grateful for Easton and Brody.  They've been such good friends to Chase and Bridger.  There's going to be a big hole in our hearts for awhile.

Even though I should have been home packing, I'm so glad we took a break and went to the cave.  The last time Chase went, he was four years old and Bridger had never been before.  So now we can check that off of our list!v

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