Saturday, November 1, 2014

Chase's Fall Lacrosse Season

Chase decided to play lacrosse this fall instead of flag football.  He was able to be on his friend Zack's team.  Zack's dad was an assistant coach and his head coach was Fisher.  I was so impressed with him.  I was worried that he would be the yelling type but he was wonderful!  He was so positive with Chase.  He didn't care that Chase had no previous lacrosse experience.  He did a great job of teaching him the fundamentals of lacrosse.  Chase caught on very quickly!!!  Plus Chase was determined to learn the game.  He practiced every day.  Coach called Chase "Speedy" because Chase is so fast.  I didn't realize how intense and physical lacrosse is.  But Chase took the challenge head on.  He got "laid out" a few times but would jump right up and fight back.  He shocked us all by scoring at least once during each game.  His team was undefeated this season.  Before each game would start the coach would choose a player to lead them in their chant.  They would chant out "we believe that we will win!!!"  I loved it!!!!  After each game, Coach would award each player "beast" stickers.  You have to play really well to earn a beast sticker.  By the end of the season, Chase had 13 beast stickers!!!!!

It seems like this fall we've gone from game to game.  Tanner's been so good to hang out at their games.  It's been hard to get him on a schedule but that will come.  We just make sure we always have a nice warm blanket to wrap him in.

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