Monday, April 28, 2014

Bridger Student of the Week

One day Bridger came home from school and said that his teacher had a really bad day.  He said that she had a bad headache and the kids were being naughty and she started to cry.  I felt so bad for his teacher!  Bridger wrote her a sweet note.  It said "Sorry you had a bad day.  I hope you feel better."  He brought her a chocolate candy bar to help her feel better.  When Bridger gave it to Mrs. H the next day, she started to cry.  Bridger has such a tender heart.  He's very kind!  The next week, Bridger won the Student of the Week award for the first graders.  His teacher wrote"  Bridger is a thoughtful and caring boy.  He is concerned about others and is a wonderful student."  

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