Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Rachael's 36th Birthday!

My sweet swim friends, Beth, Jenn and Sarah, arranged their schedules so we could go kayaking on my birthday.  Before we left, Beth brought out a little piece of carrot cake with a candle in it.  They sang me 'Happy Birthday' and then everyone took a bite.  It was very good carrot cake!!!  We did our usual run on the Provo river.  It was a beautiful day!!!  Sarah even worked it out with Pam to borrow her VW convertible bug.  So we cranked up the music and rode up the canyon in her convertible bug.  It was so much fun!!!! Beth brought her scotty dog, Finn, to float the river with us.  We stopped and had a little picnic at the bottom.  It was so fun to celebrate my birthday with my friends.   

We went to the Olive Garden for dinner with the boys.  Afterwards we came back and opened presents and had ice cream cake with Shan and her family.  Matt gave me a very nice stethoscope.  My first one from nursing school is getting a little old.  I love how clear things sound with my new stethoscope!  Matt got me an egg cooker since we've been using Grandma Miller's for years.  He also go me Batman Begins so our Batman trilogy can be complete.  It was such a great day!!!!

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