Saturday, September 28, 2013

Chase's Fall Soccer Season

 Chase made a tough decision last fall and decided to change soccer teams.  He tried out and made the Pink Panthers!!  It's a level down from what he was playing so it's not quite as competitive which was really nice.  His friend Raeder is on the team and has introduced him to lots of new friends.  He's loved playing soccer with Raeder again.  It's been a great season!!! We've loved his new coach, Robert!!!  He's very positive with the boys yet makes them work really hard.  Chase was able to play offense and defense positions.  He's still a very strong defensive player!!!  There's a boy on the team who has a pool so they had lots of pool parties at his house after the games.  It was a short season because this league squeezes all the games into a six week period so it was very busy for six weeks but then it was nice to let Chase focus on flag football.  He's excited to play with this team again in the spring.

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