Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

The boys have had so much at school this week.  Chase had a mountain man roundezvous.  He wanted to dress up like an indian.  Earlier in the week, Bridger had made an Indian hat so he let Chase add that to his costume.  Bridger learned all about the first Thanksgiving feast and the pilgrims.  He made the cutest Mayflower boat with him sailing in it. He brought a little treat to share to school for his class's thanksgiving feast.  

Angie, Sammee, and Mikayla came in town for Thanksgiving.  Angie and the girls came down Tuesday night to go to Chase's soccer game. Afterwards she took the boys up to the Adams' to hang out till Thursday. They had so much fun! They played lots of card games with Mikayla and Ashtyn. They loved singing "One Direction" songs together. Im so glad they were able to spend time with their cousins and Angie. It was our year to eat the big feast with the Richins/Taylor family. But it ended up being a quiet dinner at Marilyn's because Bud's family didn't come and Mylissa's family was in California. So we cooked for a couple of days all for a 20 minute meal. Thanksgiving is not one of my favorite holidays because you cook for hours and then it's over in 20 minutes and then it takes forever to clean up! One day I'm going to Little America for thanksgiving dinner! I do have to say that everything tasted wonderful!   We had probably 12 pies! My favorite is always the mashed potatoes and mom's homemade rolls! She made monkey bread! While we were eating, Shantelle misunderstood Matt and thought that he said that she was a good eater. (No one knew that she was pregnant). So it turned into a BIG joke that we're good eaters. We say all the time to our kids "you're being such a good eater!" But that's just not polite to say that to adults. So it was really funny when Shantelle thought Matt said that to her. 

In the evening we went over to the Adams' for pie. Since Angie was in town, we celebrated "the nativity." The boys set up the nativity while Ardell read the scriptures. Afterwards, all the grand kids opened their ornament from grandpa and grandma Adams. Chase got a little Boy Scout ornament because he loves scouts and a piano because he's getting so good on the piano. Bridger got a little school house because he loves school and a little bike because he's so good riding his bike. Charlene always puts so much time and effort into the ornaments. Then we played "turkey" (bingo). The boys were so excited to play! A few of the gifts were money and the boys thought they had hit the jack pot. Jake won the "hat" and Bridger just laughed and laughed at Jake!!!! It was such a fun night! I'm so grateful for family! 

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