Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hiking to Blair Lake

Dad and Rob really wanted to find "Blair Lake." They looked at a map and used Rob's GPS and they thought it was going to be under two miles to hike to the lake when you get to the end of canyon 47, "Sound of Music" canyon. So this morning everyone but Mylissa, Julie, and Aliyah headed out to go up the canyon. I wanted to bike the canyon. I think it's the toughest trail I've ever biked! Today it seemed especially hard because the ground was really sandy from not having any rain so it was hard to get traction up the steep hills. I passed one group of ATV's that were stopped and as I was biking past them a girl said "Where is she going? She can't bike up that." People would pass me and look at me like I was crazy. I think I must be. The wild flowers and the view were spectacular! Mom and Marilyn were heading back just as I made it to the end so we went back together. The rest of the group ended up going on a hike in search for Blair lake. Their little hike turned into an adventure because they hiked about three miles just to see the lake. They didn't actually walk all the way to the lake because they were caught on a cliff and it was really steep to get to the bottom. So they took lots of pictures and headed back to the ATV's. They ended up walking at least six miles, even little Bridger. Everyone did great! When Dad came home, he showed us a big stick that he used to hike. He said that he was so grateful he found that stick and if anyone asks him to hike to Blair lake, he'll use that stick to beat you over the head. Bridger was so funny. The first thing he said was "it was NOT two miles like Peggy said!" I was proud of everyone for going on an adventure. Julie and Aliyah were so good for Mylissa. They play really well together but sometimes they're trouble makers. They went out to the little cabin house and locked the door. I thought Shan was going to break the door down. They wanted to have matching hair so sweet Mylissa did their hair and they looked so cute. All the kids made some fun jewelry with the beads they found during their geocache hunt from yesterday. Mom and Marilyn took the ATV out tonight and went around the Sheridan loop. They saw some antelope. I'm so glad they've been able to have some fun today. Shantelle and Robby made their delicious dutch oven chicken pot pie for dinner tonight. I think it's one of my favorite meals!

While it was cooking, dad got out the BB gun and let the kids shoot at the targets. Robby got out the horse shoes. Aliyah, Julie, Bridger, Shan, and Robby played several games of horse shoes. They loved it! I got the funniest video of the kids playing. Shan, Robby, Aliyah, Matt and the boys headed in to town to watch the fireworks. Dad said he was too tired, he could barely move. He was in bed by 10:00. Marilyn and I went outside and looked at the beautiful full moon and listened to an owl. It was awesome to hear the owl! While they were gone, we started the movie "Persuassion." Marilyn started to laugh at Mom and me and said that we have watched this movie way too much. Matt and the others came back from the fireworks and said it was fun. They sang "the star spangled banner" to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir at the top of their lungs. How I wish I could have been a fly on the wall listening to them sing. Shantelle said they feel very patriotic now.
Dad LOVES his ice cream!

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