Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

 For Chase's Valentine's day box, he wanted to do a football field.  Luckily Mom got it started while we were on our vacation and bought all the decorations.  So Monday night at 9:00, we were putting it all together.  Chase had the vision and it all came together.    He put BYU Cougars under the goal post and then "Touchdown" on the side of the box.  He was really excited about it.  He loves football.  I was able to go and help at Chase's Valentine's day class party.  We played the game "don't eat Val."  (I found a format that had Valentine day dogs and then the kids choose which dog not to eat.)  We played it last night with the C's and it seemed a little boring so I was worried about how it would go with 3rd graders.  But I was pleasantly surprised because the kids loved it!!!!  They had so much fun shouting out "don't eat Val!"  Bridger was finished with his school so he was able to come to Chase's party too.  One little girl that is in our ward kept telling everyone "if you wondered what Chase looked like as a little boy, just look at his little brother.  He looks just like him!"  It cracked me up.  The kids were really sweet to let Bridger play with them.  He loved it!
In the morning, I went and helped out at Bridger's class party.  They decorated sugar cookies and then played Valentine Bingo.  They made Valentine hats before I came.  When Bridger was filling out his Valentine's he wrote Hadley and then turned to me and said "This is for Hadley.  I love her."  So when I was in his class, I was checking out who Hadley was.  So when the class was lining up to leave, Bridger was standing next to Hadley.  I casually asked Bridger is he wanted his picture with her and he paused and then looked up at me with a big smile on his face and said "YEA!!!!"  It cracked me up.  The other picture is of his friends Brody and Jackie.  

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