Saturday, August 6, 2011

Birthday Bowling Fun

We weren't able to do anything fun on Bridger's birthday because of soccer games and girls camp. So when we came home on Saturday we asked Bridger what he wanted to do to celebrate his birthday. He said he wanted to go bowling. So we invited the C's to come with us. The bowling place gave Bridger a pin wishing him a happy birthday. We signed our names on the pins. Chase got one for his 4th birthday so Bridger felt really special to get his own. Aliyah was so funny to watch. She would jump up and down cheering when the ball would knock down the pins. Chase is getting to be a good little bowler. Bridger is strong enough to carry the ball all by himself. Sometimes he even likes to roll it by himself and not use the bowling ramp.

After bowling, Bridger chose to eat at Mi Ranchitos. He's decided that he likes Mexican food especially the rice. At the end of dinner, the workers brought out fried ice cream and sang to him. They brought a big sombrero for Bridger to wear. He had such a big smile on his face. It was a great night.

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