Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fun Times with Bridger

Bridger put on his snow hat and gloves and was running around the house with his star wars gun. I asked him what he was doing and he looked at me like the answer should be so obvious. He said "I'm being a clone trooper."

Bridger still loves to play with his monkeys. He hauled this shopping cart up from the basement and put all of his monkeys in it. Then he pushed it around the house like a mad man. He has such a great imagination. Bridger and Chase play a game calling out slug bug cars. When they see a slug bug car they yell out "slug bug blue." The other day we were driving to Orem and Bridger had seen about 9 slug bug cars. He excitedly said to me "this must be slug bug territory!" That made me laugh so hard. I came home and was telling Matt about our day and I couldn't figure out where Bridger got the word "territory." Matt remembered that when we're in Yellowstone we'll say "this is bear territory." So I think that's where he got it from.

Bridger had his last day of Little Learners preschool on May 25. Instead of doing a graduation party they had a water party and picnic. His teachers gave him a water gun. Ms. Margo and Ms. Maurie have been wonderful. It's been such a great year for Bridger. He has loved going to school. They have made learning so fun.

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