Friday, April 26, 2013

Fun at the Farm!

Sweet Mom and Dad came down and went to the farm with Shantelle and I.  Bridger invited his friend Brody to come with us too. We wanted to go to the farm before it got too hot.  We picked the perfect day because it wasn't too hot and it wasn't crowded.  The kids had such a fun time looking at all the animals.  They loved their pony ride.  Brody and Bridger thought they were so grown up because they got to ride the bigger horses.  

 We brought lots of quarters with us to feed the goats.  We all went on the wagon ride together.  Mom and Dad are such good sports to do these things with us.  It was so much fun being together.

I love this picture of Dad hanging out with Bridger and Brody.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bridger's Outstanding Student Award

So on Monday evening (April 22), I got a phone call from Bridger's teacher.  She said that there had been a misunderstanding and apologized for the late notice but she said that Bridger had been chosen as the kindergarten student of the year. The ceremony would be the next night and she wondered if we could make it.  As luck would have it, we didn't have anything standing in our way so we went to the ceremony.  I told Bridger that he needed to change into "nice clothes" so he wore his suit.  I didn't know if he needed to be that fancy but that's what he wanted to wear.  He looked so handsome!  At the last minute, we invited our parents down to the program.  We told them not to feel pressured.  I actually talked to Mom and Dad right after they got out of their temple shift.  They sounded exhausted and said they didn't think they would come.  But 15 minutes before the program started, Mom texted me and said they were coming.  They made it just seconds before Bridger got his award.  It was so wonderful to have our parents there.  It made Bridger feel really special.  Mrs. P told why Bridger won the award for all the kindergarten children.  She started off saying that Heaven would be a classroom full of Bridgers.  He listens and follows directions.  He doesn't wait to do something.  He just sees what needs to be done. He had good character. He steps up and is a friend to others.  Earlier in the school year, one of his classmates was bing made fun of.  Bridger spoke up and defended the kid and said to the mean kid "why are you being a bully?  That's just mean!"  I was so proud of him for standing up to the bully. He is such a sweet boy!  I'm so proud of the good choices he is making and for what a great friend he is!

They had all the children shake the education board's hands and then they awarded them a certificate and also gave them a special notebook.  Bridger is shaking principal Gibb's hand in the picture.  Bridger is so excited about his notebook!   He takes it everywhere with him.  To celebrate, Bridger wanted to eat at JCWs so that's where we went.  It was such a special night and we loved sharing it with our parents.

 Bridger wanted to celebrate by getting his own chocolate marshmallow milkshake.  That's true happiness!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Chase's Bear Report

 For Chase's final big project in school, he had to do a report on any animal.  He chose the black bear.  He learned all about it and then typed his report.  It's the first report he's ever typed.  It was fun for him to learn about the black bear because that's what kind of bear we see the most in Yellowstone.  Chase drew a great picture of the black bear.  The bear is in the river and has caught a fish in its mouth.  He was very proud of the report.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Mexican Cruise for Spring Break

Matt gets spring break off every 5-6 years so we decided to take advantage of it and do something fun with the boys.  We found a really good deal on a Mexican cruise through Holland America.  Look through the book and see what a great time we had!

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