Grandpa really wanted to make it up to the kids. So we met at a stocked fishing pond in North Ogden. It had three ponds with a small, medium, and big fish. Most of the fish were trout. Chase was the first one to catch a fish. Maddie, Julie, Caleb and Rob came with us. Everyone was able to catch 6-8 fish. We kept about 13 fish and then threw the rest back. Maddie wasn't trying that hard to catch a fish. At one point, we handed her Caleb's kid fishing pole. She was sitting by the side of the pond hoping to not catch a fish. Suddenly her line jerked and she had a fish. It gave us a good laugh. After a couple of hours, Caleb and Tanner were catching fish all by themselves. They were loving it! The place cleans the fish for you for an extra $.50 a fish. It's worth every penny. Dad and the kids had the biggest smiles all morning. The kids had a great experience!!!
Afterwards, we went back to Grandpa's and cooked up the fish. Marilyn met us there for our fish fry feast. Mom was just heading out to get her hair cut and permed. I was in charge of cooking the fish. I was a little nervous but with enough butter, it turned out great. The kids all tried it. Maddie loves fish. Chase and Bridger thought it was disgusting. I was proud of the kids for trying it. It was such a fun day!